Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Project 1 - InDesign Recreating the Article

This is how far ive got with copying the layout the pictures need re editing and the text needs readjusting but ive just been experimenting geting the design and layout to look right.

Project 1 : Original Layout of Magazine Article

Here are the articles layout currently in the Love magazine.As you can see there is a lot of text and pictures to use which is why i thought it would be a good article to choose .
I think the layout is pretty poor and people
may get put off with the amount of writing displayed on a double page spread.
The last double spread displayed is not all the coco article, it is a page with continued stories printed at the back .The Coco article takes a further two colums on that last double spread.
I think a point to note is getting all the article together when i redesign the layout instead of being continued elsewhere.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Project 1- Chosen Feature Article

I have chosen the Magazine Love , I like the look of this magazine it stood out from the other fashion magazines.

It is fairly new as this is only its second issue.

Here is a bit of information about the magazine and my chosen article:

Magazine Purpose

The purpose of this magazine is to not necessarily to focus on celebrities but on ordinary interesting people

"we simply wanted to avoid the obvious , and find people that really excited us, reguardless of what they did,whether they were known for it,or whether they even wanted to be."

"We wern't interested in the kind of passion that an A-list actress works into her painstakingly prepared patter about the latest movie she has to plug,or the clothing line she's whacked her name on.Were after the kind of passion that drives a 20 year old kid from a caravan site to let himself be beaten in the shape of a world class boxer ;or a dorky A-level student with nothing more than an internet connection and a bit of raw talent to rub together to slip out a sting of top ten singles"

Target Audience

The magazine focuses a lot on a younger audience of under 21s as most of the models and stories are about young people.

Number Of Articles and Layout

There are 36 articles in this issue.Most of the articles found art in the middle -back the front section is mainly filled with advertisements for the magazine which is important as it helps fund them.

Style Features

The magazine has a set type of font running all the way through (shown above on the cover ,the word 'alex'.

The magazines colour scheme is black white and red with a lot of black and white photograpghy excluding advertisments.

Chosen Article

4 double page spread

CoCo -

CoCo Sumner/18/London/singer song writer/daughter of Sting and Trudie Styler

Page Dimensions

Page Width 30x23 cm
Page 1 Title -15x23
Page 2 Photo-30x23 cm image bleeded to the edge
Page 3 Header-3 1/2 cm ,Side- 7 cm , Gutter - 2cm , Bottom- 1cm , Column Space-0.5cm , Drop Capital-4x5cm
Page 4,5&6 Photos-30x23 bleeded to the edge
Page 7&8 Header-3 1/2 cm , Side 1cm , Bottom-1cm , Gutter -1cm , Column Space-0.5 cm
Photos All of Coco Sumner

Digital Technologies - Project 1

Magazine Feature Article: Represented & Individualised.

The aim of this task was to select a feature article from any fashion based magazine that inspires you.Then the feature article chosen must be considered, and reproduced in 2 distinct ways:

1. Representative: reproduced accurately, exactly and identically.
2. Individualised: re-structured, re-styled and re-presented.

The software i will be using to complete this project is:
Adobe Photoshop Adobe In Design Microsoft Word